Грузино-Осетинская война начало 3 мировой????


Гость города
Да я вижу, что я тут практически одна не готова ставить раком, мочить, мстить, дать отсосать и мне не *цензура*, что бомбят.
Видимо редкая стадия идиотизма, не вписывается в общий фон.
Я даже не представляю до какой степени нужно быть отморожеными уже в таком возрасте чтобы не видеть разницы между страной и *цензура*ом, который у власти. Или политиками, набитыми соломой, и людьми, которых просто разменяли.


Армавирский КОТ
Автор сообщения Mr. Пронька
Клавдия, вот тебе мнение таких же грузинов, как и твоя знакомая журналистка (или писательница? уже не помню):
Cоюз грузин России выступил с обращением к осетинскому народу, в котором осудил режим Саакашвили и зверства его приспешников.

«Нам стыдно, что грузинская мать родила таких нелюдей, как Михаил Саакашвили и ему подобных. За красивыми словами скрывались планы маленького фюрера, который превратил нашу Грузию в агрессора, уничтожающий сегодня осетинский и грузинский народы и втянувший их в братоубийственную войну», говорится в обращении.

Как рассказал LIFE.RU президент союза грузин России Михаил Хубутия, это обращение было одобрено всеми и получило однозначную поддержку диаспоры.

- Я подписал обращение, и отвечаю за каждое слово в этом документе, - сказал Михаил Михайлович. Обращение представители грузинской диаспоры готовили несколько дней. Почему оно было составлено после окончания военного конфликта, а не в первые дни его начала, никто из союза грузин толком объяснить не смог.

Несколько дней, как уже сообщал LIFE.RU, грузинская община вела консультации с общиной осетинской.

На заключительной встрече присутствовали президент союза грузин России Михаил Хубутия и четыре делегата Осетинской диаспоры в лице председателя общины Валерия Кабулова, заместителя председателя правления Умара Шавлохова, актрисы Земфиры Цахиловой и Журули Нукзара. Инициатором круглого стола выступила грузинская сторона. Встреча проходила за закрытыми дверями и длилась более пяти часов.

- Грузины переживают сейчас большое горе, - поделился с LIRE.RU Умар Шавлохов. - Они очень подавленны. Их народ ввергли в такой кошмар и в такой ужас. Страдает их репутация, им долго придется отмываться от этого.
Так Клавдия про это и писала...:)Есть народ,есть режим. :) Что непонятного здесь? :)


Армавирский КОТ
Автор сообщения Nazzi
Автор сообщения Partizan
Автор сообщения Nazzi
ну что ж. российское правительство в очередной раз сегодня доказало, что оно чмо и подстилка. хрущева бы сюда, тот бы дал ботинком бушу по лбу, чтоб не лезли куда не следует. видимо, сегодня только шестилетние дети из казани могут гордиться своим президентом.
Наззи,а кто вам дал право оскорблять правительство Российской Федерации?
Интересно,что бы вы сделали,будь вы президентом? :)
Это не правильный вопрос. Правильный был бы "кто дал право правительству РФ оскорблять и постоянно ставить раком свой народ?" Что надо было сделать я уже написал, хотя слегка утрировал. А вообще - это планомерный развал России. Сперва силами США подорвали экономику, потом развалили образование, а теперь подминают под себя то, что осталось. А наши и рады стараться. Как целка - поломались для вида и раздвинули ноги.
А вы чем недовольны? :) только подробней..а то как один мой товарищ..закусывая лимоном достаточно дорогой коньяк(купленный далеко не на последние деньги :) ) возмущался тем,что на его взгляд,ему,видите ли,живётся плохо :)
С чего бы вы начали,будь вы президентом?
Предполагаю,что вопрос риторический :),так как ожидаю услышать нечто шариковско-сталинское :) (этоя о "Собачьем сердце" и "неким" Джугашвили :) ) Ох уж эти грузины :)


Партизан, не тупи, я высказывался в сторону правительства этих стран, нельзя позволять чтобы они себя так вели...


Гость города
Коньяк лимоном закусывать вредно для здоровья! Так и скажите своему товарищу. А вам бы поменьше *цензура*ть. То здраво рассуждаете, то ерунду мелите, товарищъ!


Команда форума
Вот что думают о Войне Жители Европы(молодежь в основном), вам потребуется знание английского языка... (думаю названия стран разберете...)

ru pechkin
What do you think about Georgia?

People of the world. World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism.

this is how it looks from russian overwiev, feel free to leave information about what do you recevie from your mass media.
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5 days ago
+7 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
se akimbo
yea those pesky georgians... gotta love the "russian overwiev"
yea those pesky georgians... gotta love the "russian overwiev"
5 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
us MecH-
token ignorant american comment:

Georgia has great peaches, and Atlanta is very nice this time of year.
token ignorant american comment: Georgia has great peaches, and Atlanta is very nice this time of year.
4 days ago
+4 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
fi Darayy
no image
Dear pechkin,

This information is 'correct' and is what i've been reading from various sources.
Though now it seems that Russia is invading the whole Georgia as a response so...
Dear pechkin, This information is 'correct' and is what i've been reading from various sources. Though now it seems that Russia is invading the whole Georgia as a response so...
4 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee Jikam00

Propaganda has you, leave Georgia alone. Russians forced its passports to South-Ossetians some time ago, so they now can claim that PEACEMAKERS (I still lol at this word, how Russians are using it all the time) are helping Russian citizens.

As I said, Russian propaganda machine > Pechkin.

Pechkin, Propaganda has you, leave Georgia alone. Russians forced its passports to South-Ossetians some time ago, so they now can claim that PEACEMAKERS (I still lol at this word, how Russians are using it all the time) are helping Russian citizens. As I said, Russian propaganda machine > Pechkin.
4 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
fi Darayy
no image
Imperialist Russia and WWIII in the making... maybe evolution will get another chance once the planet and human race is destroyed by nukes? :/
Imperialist Russia and WWIII in the making... maybe evolution will get another chance once the planet and human race is destroyed by nukes? :/
4 days ago
+3 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
uk SK|_evan
You not think it's slightly suspicious how quickly the "peacekeepers" were able to react and 'help'? It's ironic how the countries most guilty of propaganda and corruption always excuse other countries, sorry the entire world this time, of propaganda.
You not think it's slightly suspicious how quickly the "peacekeepers" were able to react and 'help'? It's ironic how the countries most guilty of propaganda and corruption always excuse other countries, sorry the entire world this time, of propaganda.
4 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
br Ronaldinho-10
About Georgia, i just think that brazilians volleyball players like so much to be naturalized georgian. oO'
Ok, let's talk serious: I wish a lot of peace to everybody.
About Georgia, i just think that brazilians volleyball players like so much to be naturalized georgian. oO' Ok, let's talk serious: I wish a lot of peace to everybody.
4 days ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
rs IgorcHeeeee
pechkin i think you are right :)) RUSSIA & SERBIA BROTHERS 4ever !
pechkin i think you are right :)) RUSSIA & SERBIA BROTHERS 4ever !
4 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
what is suspicious in the fast reaction of peacekeepers? you know, war is a serious thing, its not a game, i dont see any trouble in reacting fast on whats going on( its hard to not to see rockets bombarding some country, you know), and the peacekeepers were assigned there to react fast, its their job...

what is suspicious in the fast reaction of peacekeepers? you know, war is a serious thing, its not a game, i dont see any trouble in reacting fast on whats going on( its hard to not to see rockets bombarding some country, you know), and the peacekeepers were assigned there to react fast, its their job...
4 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"estonia"( if i recognized this flag properly) , nothing to add

"estonia"( if i recognized this flag properly) , nothing to add
4 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
T_T why i cant quote?
the first post was adreessed to _evan and 2nd to jikan00
ps sr for overposting, im newb in sk forum :)
pss and i really hope our government will not "abuse" this situation and will stay at their positions to defend osetia and not invade georgia further.
T_T why i cant quote? the first post was adreessed to _evan and 2nd to jikan00 ps sr for overposting, im newb in sk forum :) pss and i really hope our government will not "abuse" this situation and will stay at their positions to defend osetia and not invade georgia further.
4 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
uk SK|_evan
"not invade georgia further" - Already failed on that account.

I like how you say peace keepers, though. Why would peace keepers bomb Tsbilsi's airport (amongst other targets in Georgia itself)? Why would peacekeepers ask for a democratic government to be removed?

I wonder how long before the 'peace keepers' find a reason to 'help' Abkhazia as well. Peacekeepers, by the way, mean the UN; the UN has nothing to do with this.

It's just a hunch, but I guess it might have something to do with a certain pipeline which was built to deliberately avoid Russia, oh, and the fact that no matter how small country it is, they refused to bend over like so many other soviet republics.
"not invade georgia further" - Already failed on that account. I like how you say peace keepers, though. Why would peace keepers bomb Tsbilsi's airport (amongst other targets in Georgia itself)? Why would peacekeepers ask for a democratic government to be removed? I wonder how long before the 'peace keepers' find a reason to 'help' Abkhazia as well. Peacekeepers, by the way, mean the UN; the UN has nothing to do with this. It's just a hunch, but I guess it might have something to do with a certain pipeline which was built to deliberately avoid Russia, oh, and the fact that no matter how small country it is, they refused to bend over like so many other soviet republics.
3 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"why would peacekeepers bomb airports"- you know, georgia use airplanes to bomb tskhinvali, russia bomb only military objects. And there was an speech of georgian military minister, that there is no victims of the georgian civilians....
"I wonder how long before the 'peace keepers' find a reason to 'help' Abkhazia" - there already was a war between those 2 countries, and russia was assigned by the UN as a peacekepers.

"It's just a hunch, but I guess it might have something to do with a certain pipeline which was built to deliberately avoid Russia, oh, and the fact that no matter how small country it is, they refused to bend over like so many other soviet republics."- you are right here, osetia and abkhasia are the strategical centers, and there is no way to avoid long and boring political debates about it, but Georgia ATTACKED osetia, maybe they have no patience, maybe they wanted to rush osetia and occupy it to show off in the eyes of USA, but they failed and now try to squizz off anything from this situation with use of lie and propaganda...
"Why would peacekeepers ask for a democratic government to be removed?" peacekeepers have nothing the general with "democratic" government of georgia - its another branch of politics.
But i cant agree it is democratical, year or so ago, before new president elections, there was a prime minister or military minister, dont remeber, and at some moment he said on television that he will represent the opposite force of the elections, guess what happened... next day he was captured but georgian police while he was on tv, 4 days noone heared of him people was going to start revolution, and 4 days after he was captured he made an application that he is removing from elections, he was the leader of opposition, the only one who could win saakashvili and he was jailed... its like you capture obama (or clinton dunno) from american election and guess who will win...
"why would peacekeepers bomb airports"- you know, georgia use airplanes to bomb tskhinvali, russia bomb only military objects. And there was an speech of georgian military minister, that there is no victims of the georgian civilians.... "I wonder how long before the 'peace keepers' find a reason to 'help' Abkhazia" - there already was a war between those 2 countries, and russia was assigned by the UN as a peacekepers. "It's just a hunch, but I guess it might have something to do with a certain pipeline which was built to deliberately avoid Russia, oh, and the fact that no matter how small country it is, they refused to bend over like so many other soviet republics."- you are right here, osetia and abkhasia are the strategical centers, and there is no way to avoid long and boring political debates about it, but Georgia ATTACKED osetia, maybe they have no patience, maybe they wanted to rush osetia and occupy it to show off in the eyes of USA, but they failed and now try to squizz off anything from this situation with use of lie and propaganda... "Why would peacekeepers ask for a democratic government to be removed?" peacekeepers have nothing the general with "democratic" government of georgia - its another branch of politics. But i cant agree it is democratical, year or so ago, before new president elections, there was a prime minister or military minister, dont remeber, and at some moment he said on television that he will represent the opposite force of the elections, guess what happened... next day he was captured but georgian police while he was on tv, 4 days noone heared of him people was going to start revolution, and 4 days after he was captured he made an application that he is removing from elections, he was the leader of opposition, the only one who could win saakashvili and he was jailed... its like you capture obama (or clinton dunno) from american election and guess who will win...
2 days ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
se bredlast
no image
u cant say that russia had provoked georiga 4 a long time.. so stfu and stay whit in your fucking country lines
u cant say that russia had provoked georiga 4 a long time.. so stfu and stay whit in your fucking country lines
2 days ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
be Tocksii
The funny thing is russia need 5 seconds to destroy whole georgia, now i dont understand why those georgians are so tuff last days, please explain me pechkin?
The funny thing is russia need 5 seconds to destroy whole georgia, now i dont understand why those georgians are so tuff last days, please explain me pechkin?
2 days ago
-1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee Jikam00
Go away with ur propaganda, plz
Go away with ur propaganda, plz
2 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
my english not so good and translator cant recognize it, what is it tuff ? sry for stupid question...
my english not so good and translator cant recognize it, what is it tuff ? sry for stupid question...
2 days ago
show comment -3 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee Jikam00
Well, now Russia is officially fucked.

Just saw Mr.Bush on the Sky News, he stated that they will send (planes are actually already int he air) humanitarian help to Georgia, which directly means that US troops will be in Georgia by tonight, because USA never sends it's help without the troop support etc. Trucks with the provision are already there, other equipment will be brought trough Turkey + Black Sea, by ships.

No wonder that Russian commandment changed it's mind, not to send tanks to Tbilisi. Russians will have to be very careful now.

Also Ukraine fucked it up for Russia, after Russia stated that Ukraine shot down one of its planes, now Russian ships can't return to the docks in Ukraine.

And what do we see from USA statement is that they fucked EU and UN in the anus, they went there to help Georgia without publicly discussing the issue, they showed to a small minor country, that USA is a great friend next to EU and UN. Also the fact that EU and UN are still arguing behind the table, what to do, instead of acting.

Strong and a good move by USA - my opinion.
Well, now Russia is officially fucked. Just saw Mr.Bush on the Sky News, he stated that they will send (planes are actually already int he air) humanitarian help to Georgia, which directly means that US troops will be in Georgia by tonight, because USA never sends it's help without the troop support etc. Trucks with the provision are already there, other equipment will be brought trough Turkey + Black Sea, by ships. No wonder that Russian commandment changed it's mind, not to send tanks to Tbilisi. Russians will have to be very careful now. Also Ukraine fucked it up for Russia, after Russia stated that Ukraine shot down one of its planes, now Russian ships can't return to the docks in Ukraine. And what do we see from USA statement is that they fucked EU and UN in the anus, they went there to help Georgia without publicly discussing the issue, they showed to a small minor country, that USA is a great friend next to EU and UN. Also the fact that EU and UN are still arguing behind the table, what to do, instead of acting. Strong and a good move by USA - my opinion.
2 days ago
+3 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
Russia is officially fucked, because usa will send provision to Georgia, nice man, you made my day.
and what do you telling about "USA showed to a small minor country that USA i a great friend"
the presen Georgian government is controlled by USA, there is no need for them to prove something...
Russia is officially fucked, because usa will send provision to Georgia, nice man, you made my day. and what do you telling about "USA showed to a small minor country that USA i a great friend" the presen Georgian government is controlled by USA, there is no need for them to prove something...
2 days ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
tn GTk--
no image
USA will move military power to fight Russia?
you are funny dude.

USA will move military power to fight Russia? you are funny dude.
1 day ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee enike
no image
The way of Georgia, "Only war can heal what no longer belongs together." - speigel
The way of Russia, "Take what i can."
The US way, "Do not take so much!
The way of EU, "Lets talk ..." (Like always)

And about Jikam00 ... propaganda has you!
The way of Georgia, "Only war can heal what no longer belongs together." - speigel The way of Russia, "Take what i can." The US way, "Do not take so much! The way of EU, "Lets talk ..." (Like always) And about Jikam00 ... propaganda has you!
1 day ago
+3 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee centraLig
btw, jikam00 is half-russian just to mention it.
Funny how the Georgians that have escaped from Southern-Ossetia claim that the RUSSIAN troops are simply finding people with Georgian names and killing them with a shot in the head. Not to mention that as always the Russian media is depicting themselves as the poor victims again, oh my what the little nation of Georgia is doing to them.
I also find it pretty amusing how Russia bombs Tshinkvali + several Georgian, NOT SOUTH OSSETIAN towns. As always, Russia decides to paralyze the infrastructure, bomb hospitals, civilian areas, municipal buildings and everything else not related to the military. Please, pechkin, please tell me Russia is a democratic and corruption-free country. Journalists "disappearing" after publishing an article against the Kremlin, oligarhs fleeing the country to survive, the media is completely controlled by the Kremlin again.
The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting, it's clear that Russia wants the former USSR countries and order back. Your country bombs innocent people, destroys ambulance vehicles and then you blame it on the Georgians.
You also might not know the fact that Russia had its troops and equipment very near the South-Ossetian border for 2 months before the 8th August, claiming they were bootcamping and practicing there.
I just don't understand how so many of the Russians are simply brainwashed by the propaganda in the media and shit said by Putin, who could be a janitor and still lead the country. Your president is a puppet controlled by Putin, Kremlin & Co.
If you'd please, explain how the ENTIRE world's media is wrong and is against Russia. Yes, the western and European media might exaggerate but at least it doesn't make up complete lies like the Russian media.
Please stop calling yourselves "peacekeepers," all you keep doing is pissing the rest of the world off. Stay within your fucking borders.

BTW: To all the Estonian Russians who keep complaining over their tough life and discrimination by Estonians in Estonia or in that case, in any other country, why not move back to mother Russia, where life is a rainbow?
btw, jikam00 is half-russian just to mention it. Funny how the Georgians that have escaped from Southern-Ossetia claim that the RUSSIAN troops are simply finding people with Georgian names and killing them with a shot in the head. Not to mention that as always the Russian media is depicting themselves as the poor victims again, oh my what the little nation of Georgia is doing to them. I also find it pretty amusing how Russia bombs Tshinkvali + several Georgian, NOT SOUTH OSSETIAN towns. As always, Russia decides to paralyze the infrastructure, bomb hospitals, civilian areas, municipal buildings and everything else not related to the military. Please, pechkin, please tell me Russia is a democratic and corruption-free country. Journalists "disappearing" after publishing an article against the Kremlin, oligarhs fleeing the country to survive, the media is completely controlled by the Kremlin again. The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting, it's clear that Russia wants the former USSR countries and order back. Your country bombs innocent people, destroys ambulance vehicles and then you blame it on the Georgians. You also might not know the fact that Russia had its troops and equipment very near the South-Ossetian border for 2 months before the 8th August, claiming they were bootcamping and practicing there. I just don't understand how so many of the Russians are simply brainwashed by the propaganda in the media and shit said by Putin, who could be a janitor and still lead the country. Your president is a puppet controlled by Putin, Kremlin & Co. If you'd please, explain how the ENTIRE world's media is wrong and is against Russia. Yes, the western and European media might exaggerate but at least it doesn't make up complete lies like the Russian media. Please stop calling yourselves "peacekeepers," all you keep doing is pissing the rest of the world off. Stay within your fucking borders. BTW: To all the Estonian Russians who keep complaining over their tough life and discrimination by Estonians in Estonia or in that case, in any other country, why not move back to mother Russia, where life is a rainbow?
24 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"I also find it pretty amusing how Russia bombs Tshinkvali + several Georgian, NOT SOUTH OSSETIAN towns" Gorgia DESTROYED the whole city of tskhinvaly in first night, they proved that they want war, Russia respounded( not started war) as a peacekeeper in this region. And as i understand they destroyed most of the military forces of Georgia, so it wont happen again...(now amrecians say they will give Georgia more weapons) why they fight not only in south ossetia? you know, georgian planes not situated in ossetia, they are in Georgia, and they was bombing russian troops, so it was a clear decision to destroy military airports, there is also an artillery included, which is damn far, you know...
"Please, pechkin, please tell me Russia is a democratic and corruption-free country" why would i tell that? there is no country in the whole world, which has no corruption and full-democratic.
"The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting, it's clear that Russia wants the former USSR countries and order back."
hmm destroy city to know, if Russia has eggs to respond to Georgia,controlled and blessed by USA? is that called democracy?
"Your country bombs innocent people, destroys ambulance vehicles and then you blame it on the Georgians." you know that from CNN am i right? that doesnt seems to you as propoganda, but but russian media does, one thing im sure in is that Georgia attacked first, destroyed the whole city( here i occure that i can be propaganded, our media is saying that city totally destroyed with its hospitals, schools etc)
"You also might not know the fact that Russia had its troops and equipment very near the South-Ossetian border for 2 months before the 8th August, claiming they were bootcamping and practicing there." both russains and georgians had, its obvious that there was a CONFLICT so i dont see anything wrong with it...
"If you'd please, explain how the ENTIRE world's media is wrong and is against Russia." i think you are wrong here, tehre was an vote on the CNN about "who is right in this conflict" last time i saw it it was about 300 000 votes and 92%for russia, but it was removed, because that didnt show that russia is bad,so there is no place for this on CNN. And you know, "The Times" agreed with russian overview of situation( ofc russian oligarhs bought it up).
"To all the Estonian Russians who keep complaining over their tough life and discrimination by Estonians in Estonia or in that case, in any other country, why not move back to mother Russia, where life is a rainbow?" im not living in estonia, but this phrase looks like "hey, black guy, dont be black,you must be white"

"I also find it pretty amusing how Russia bombs Tshinkvali + several Georgian, NOT SOUTH OSSETIAN towns" Gorgia DESTROYED the whole city of tskhinvaly in first night, they proved that they want war, Russia respounded( not started war) as a peacekeeper in this region. And as i understand they destroyed most of the military forces of Georgia, so it wont happen again...(now amrecians say they will give Georgia more weapons) why they fight not only in south ossetia? you know, georgian planes not situated in ossetia, they are in Georgia, and they was bombing russian troops, so it was a clear decision to destroy military airports, there is also an artillery included, which is damn far, you know... "Please, pechkin, please tell me Russia is a democratic and corruption-free country" why would i tell that? there is no country in the whole world, which has no corruption and full-democratic. "The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting, it's clear that Russia wants the former USSR countries and order back." hmm destroy city to know, if Russia has eggs to respond to Georgia,controlled and blessed by USA? is that called democracy? "Your country bombs innocent people, destroys ambulance vehicles and then you blame it on the Georgians." you know that from CNN am i right? that doesnt seems to you as propoganda, but but russian media does, one thing im sure in is that Georgia attacked first, destroyed the whole city( here i occure that i can be propaganded, our media is saying that city totally destroyed with its hospitals, schools etc) "You also might not know the fact that Russia had its troops and equipment very near the South-Ossetian border for 2 months before the 8th August, claiming they were bootcamping and practicing there." both russains and georgians had, its obvious that there was a CONFLICT so i dont see anything wrong with it... "If you'd please, explain how the ENTIRE world's media is wrong and is against Russia." i think you are wrong here, tehre was an vote on the CNN about "who is right in this conflict" last time i saw it it was about 300 000 votes and 92%for russia, but it was removed, because that didnt show that russia is bad,so there is no place for this on CNN. And you know, "The Times" agreed with russian overview of situation( ofc russian oligarhs bought it up). "To all the Estonian Russians who keep complaining over their tough life and discrimination by Estonians in Estonia or in that case, in any other country, why not move back to mother Russia, where life is a rainbow?" im not living in estonia, but this phrase looks like "hey, black guy, dont be black,you must be white"
21 hours ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee centraLig
First of all the last comment about race has nothing to do with this. I'm not telling any Russian living in another country be of the according nationality. I'm simply saying, if someone has a problem with living in a country they don't like and they hate it so much and feel discriminated, just move out to Russia or whereever they feel they're not "mistreated" and make everybody's life easier.
The fact that you may have had 300k votes at 92% doesn't prove almost anything. Russia has a huge population to vote with + you can never rely on votes which any script kiddie can exploit.
Georgia did attack the Russian troops first in Southern Ossetia, being provoked by Ossetia and Russia. I'm not saying there's only one guilty side, there's always two or more where there's a conflict but it's a fact Russia completely demolished civil units and not only in Southern Ossetia but also in Georgia. I don't know that from CNN, I had someone I know from Estonia in Georgia at that point. Besides, I don't see too many sources being on Russia's side about this, the UN, USA, EU, NATO, Reuters, CNN, BBC, CERN, none of them seem to blame Georgia in invasion or killing civilians as much as the Russians. And why does Georgia need human aid by the Red Cross if they're bombing you? :)

And you saying every country is corrupted and not fully democratic, that's simply dodging the question, Russia IS a completely non-democratic, almost dictatorship-like, corrupted country. There is no freedom of speech in the media, as I said, people acting or saying anything against the goverment, the Kremlin, simply disappear.

Russia did not only bomb military airports but also public airports, hospitals, units and areas, so just save the gibberish about bombing military units only.
Yes, Georgia has it's part in demolishing Tshinkvali, but most of the fault falls onto to the Russians no matter what.
Saakashvili also demanded a ceasefire at least twice - once to get civilians out of the way and the second time to cease fire completely. Did Russia listen? No. They kept bombing and killing civilians.

Most likely the only reason Russia is packing their shit in Georgia FAST right now, is because of the US troops arriving in Georgia, so it's best for them to leave.

First of all the last comment about race has nothing to do with this. I'm not telling any Russian living in another country be of the according nationality. I'm simply saying, if someone has a problem with living in a country they don't like and they hate it so much and feel discriminated, just move out to Russia or whereever they feel they're not "mistreated" and make everybody's life easier. The fact that you may have had 300k votes at 92% doesn't prove almost anything. Russia has a huge population to vote with + you can never rely on votes which any script kiddie can exploit. Georgia did attack the Russian troops first in Southern Ossetia, being provoked by Ossetia and Russia. I'm not saying there's only one guilty side, there's always two or more where there's a conflict but it's a fact Russia completely demolished civil units and not only in Southern Ossetia but also in Georgia. I don't know that from CNN, I had someone I know from Estonia in Georgia at that point. Besides, I don't see too many sources being on Russia's side about this, the UN, USA, EU, NATO, Reuters, CNN, BBC, CERN, none of them seem to blame Georgia in invasion or killing civilians as much as the Russians. And why does Georgia need human aid by the Red Cross if they're bombing you? :) And you saying every country is corrupted and not fully democratic, that's simply dodging the question, Russia IS a completely non-democratic, almost dictatorship-like, corrupted country. There is no freedom of speech in the media, as I said, people acting or saying anything against the goverment, the Kremlin, simply disappear. Russia did not only bomb military airports but also public airports, hospitals, units and areas, so just save the gibberish about bombing military units only. Yes, Georgia has it's part in demolishing Tshinkvali, but most of the fault falls onto to the Russians no matter what. Saakashvili also demanded a ceasefire at least twice - once to get civilians out of the way and the second time to cease fire completely. Did Russia listen? No. They kept bombing and killing civilians. Most likely the only reason Russia is packing their shit in Georgia FAST right now, is because of the US troops arriving in Georgia, so it's best for them to leave.
20 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
uk SK|_evan
I actually feel sorry for people like pechkin, endlessly trying to justify Russia's actions as a victim or peacekeeper in this 'war'. Russia's terms essentially mean Georgia will have to give up both break-away regions and the eventuality is that both regions would return to Russia, unsurprisingly. I wonder whatever happened to conflict of interests, Russia's actions sound more like an invasion rather than peacekeeping.

Keep pushing though, it will just turn into another Soviet versus the West scenario in which you'll cripple, starve and kill your own populations while we look on with pity.

CentraLig is right in almost every way.
I actually feel sorry for people like pechkin, endlessly trying to justify Russia's actions as a victim or peacekeeper in this 'war'. Russia's terms essentially mean Georgia will have to give up both break-away regions and the eventuality is that both regions would return to Russia, unsurprisingly. I wonder whatever happened to conflict of interests, Russia's actions sound more like an invasion rather than peacekeeping. Keep pushing though, it will just turn into another Soviet versus the West scenario in which you'll cripple, starve and kill your own populations while we look on with pity. CentraLig is right in almost every way.
17 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"Georgia did attack the Russian troops first in Southern Ossetia, being provoked by Ossetia and Russia" can you give me a link to this information, which proves that, plz. And even if( IF!!) this is true - it cant justify the war,started by Georgia ...
"it's a fact Russia completely demolished civil units and not only in Southern Ossetia but also in Georgia." source, plz/ about Ossetia its 99% false, but about Georgian side, there is no information from our media, our media talks about a lot of casualties from Gergian army, but not about civil victims, and i dont think that this could be made specially, Russians have no such hate to the people of Georgia(like georgians have to ossetians), they are brothers to us, even though current government is controlled by USA.
"I don't see too many sources being on Russia's side about this, the UN, USA, EU, NATO, Reuters, CNN, BBC, CERN, none of them seem to blame Georgia in invasion or killing civilians as much as the Russians." i dunno what is cern, and cant agree with EU, but others dont blame Georgia because they just dont like Russia, even tho cold war ended, i think they dont realise that...
"And why does Georgia need human aid by the Red Cross if they're bombing you? :)" russia spends 1bill$ for humanitary help in Ossetia,you think they want to buy them new ferraries or repair all, that georgians ( no russians) destroyed?
"There is no freedom of speech in the media, as I said, people acting or saying anything against the goverment, the Kremlin, simply disappear." i dont see any connection of this phrase with this thread, thats why i prefere to evade this... but dont think that we like that
"Russia did not only bomb military airports but also public airports, hospitals, units and areas, so just save the gibberish about bombing military units only." once again, source plz
"Saakashvili also demanded a ceasefire at least twice" its like you punch someone in his back, then run like a covard, and ask for forgiveness.
"Did Russia listen? No. They kept bombing and killing civilians." proves, plz, about civilians, i dont see any reason why they will do that.
also want to mention that there was a "funny" situation when Saakhaskhvili saw tanks coming to Tbilisi, he imediatly started to make interview to CNN that Russians came to capture Georgia, but after that, georgian minister told him that this was their own tanks returning to capital, GG
"Most likely the only reason Russia is packing their shit in Georgia FAST right now, is because of the US troops arriving in Georgia, so it's best for them to leave." Oh, and how does USA connected with this conflict? this is normal, but peacekeepers standing near the line of Ossetia is provokation and cant be acepted, am i right? all this looks like " we dont like Russia, thats why they are not right".
"Georgia did attack the Russian troops first in Southern Ossetia, being provoked by Ossetia and Russia" can you give me a link to this information, which proves that, plz. And even if( IF!!) this is true - it cant justify the war,started by Georgia ... "it's a fact Russia completely demolished civil units and not only in Southern Ossetia but also in Georgia." source, plz/ about Ossetia its 99% false, but about Georgian side, there is no information from our media, our media talks about a lot of casualties from Gergian army, but not about civil victims, and i dont think that this could be made specially, Russians have no such hate to the people of Georgia(like georgians have to ossetians), they are brothers to us, even though current government is controlled by USA. "I don't see too many sources being on Russia's side about this, the UN, USA, EU, NATO, Reuters, CNN, BBC, CERN, none of them seem to blame Georgia in invasion or killing civilians as much as the Russians." i dunno what is cern, and cant agree with EU, but others dont blame Georgia because they just dont like Russia, even tho cold war ended, i think they dont realise that... "And why does Georgia need human aid by the Red Cross if they're bombing you? :)" russia spends 1bill$ for humanitary help in Ossetia,you think they want to buy them new ferraries or repair all, that georgians ( no russians) destroyed? "There is no freedom of speech in the media, as I said, people acting or saying anything against the goverment, the Kremlin, simply disappear." i dont see any connection of this phrase with this thread, thats why i prefere to evade this... but dont think that we like that "Russia did not only bomb military airports but also public airports, hospitals, units and areas, so just save the gibberish about bombing military units only." once again, source plz "Saakashvili also demanded a ceasefire at least twice" its like you punch someone in his back, then run like a covard, and ask for forgiveness. "Did Russia listen? No. They kept bombing and killing civilians." proves, plz, about civilians, i dont see any reason why they will do that. also want to mention that there was a "funny" situation when Saakhaskhvili saw tanks coming to Tbilisi, he imediatly started to make interview to CNN that Russians came to capture Georgia, but after that, georgian minister told him that this was their own tanks returning to capital, GG "Most likely the only reason Russia is packing their shit in Georgia FAST right now, is because of the US troops arriving in Georgia, so it's best for them to leave." Oh, and how does USA connected with this conflict? this is normal, but peacekeepers standing near the line of Ossetia is provokation and cant be acepted, am i right? all this looks like " we dont like Russia, thats why they are not right".
17 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"I actually feel sorry for people like pechkin" no need, thx.
Russia's terms essentially mean Georgia will have to give up both break-away regions and the eventuality is that both regions would return to Russia, unsurprisinglygly" i would say, before no-brain actions of Georgia it was like G 65-35% R about this region, but Georgian government showed that they dont care about people, that live there, they need only territory, but this territory belongs to ossetians ( if you dont know there is an norther ossetia too, and southern guys want to join them, thats why this conflict startded, and thats why russia involved in it) and they will not give it to Georgia, especially after these actions of Georgia.
"Keep pushing though, it will just turn into another Soviet versus the West scenario in which you'll cripple, starve and kill your own populations while we look on with pity" im glad, that you like it...
"I actually feel sorry for people like pechkin" no need, thx. Russia's terms essentially mean Georgia will have to give up both break-away regions and the eventuality is that both regions would return to Russia, unsurprisinglygly" i would say, before no-brain actions of Georgia it was like G 65-35% R about this region, but Georgian government showed that they dont care about people, that live there, they need only territory, but this territory belongs to ossetians ( if you dont know there is an norther ossetia too, and southern guys want to join them, thats why this conflict startded, and thats why russia involved in it) and they will not give it to Georgia, especially after these actions of Georgia. "Keep pushing though, it will just turn into another Soviet versus the West scenario in which you'll cripple, starve and kill your own populations while we look on with pity" im glad, that you like it...
16 hours ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee centraLig
Yeah, Russia spends 1 billion for it's new region to be, S-Ossetia. And besides, you going about "source, source, source," no matter what source I give you, it's gonna be "CNN IS BENT, BBC IS BENT, THE WHOLE WORLD IS BENT BUT OUR BELOVED KANAL1 AND RTV"
Please, the whole list I gave you is basically the entire world apart from yourselves and counting out Japan, Australia and some asian countries who don't give a shit. So thanks for making this easy and saying the entire world doesn't like Russia. :)

I don't need to link you to a source every time I claim something and please, don't you do that either, I couldn't care less about what Putin is cooking up for the newspapers and TV in Russia.
And the reason you are evading my question is simply cause you know the truth (maybe not, if you're extremely brainwashed), it has everything to do with everything, just like you saying shit about CNN and all the other news portals.

And I asked why Georgians need human aid, not Russia. Don't see Georgians flying over Russia and dropping their shit there. The Russians still aren't out of Gori and no shit there's no info coming by your "media" regarding dead civilians in Georgia, all it showed, were a few pictures of Russian troops and civilians dead because of the Georgians.
After all, how could Russia show Georgian civilians dead in Georgia, would be kind of hard to explain that they didn't kill people of their own nation.

You not seeing a reason why Russian troops would kill civilians, you don't see a reason to a lot of things, neither do I see a reason why Russia still exists. I don't have anything against the country, but I hate your goverment and brainwashed people like yourself, who rely 100% on the Russian media and believe everything said.

The USA is probably the only PEACEKEEPER, which you like to refer to yourself as quite often, so just spare that.

So yes, Russia is truly the victim in this war and we should all fuck helping Georgia because you're the true victims of this story and the entire world is against you and lying.

// Please don't reply, I've had enough of this brainwashed propagandic 'point of view'
Yeah, Russia spends 1 billion for it's new region to be, S-Ossetia. And besides, you going about "source, source, source," no matter what source I give you, it's gonna be "CNN IS BENT, BBC IS BENT, THE WHOLE WORLD IS BENT BUT OUR BELOVED KANAL1 AND RTV" Please, the whole list I gave you is basically the entire world apart from yourselves and counting out Japan, Australia and some asian countries who don't give a shit. So thanks for making this easy and saying the entire world doesn't like Russia. :) I don't need to link you to a source every time I claim something and please, don't you do that either, I couldn't care less about what Putin is cooking up for the newspapers and TV in Russia. And the reason you are evading my question is simply cause you know the truth (maybe not, if you're extremely brainwashed), it has everything to do with everything, just like you saying shit about CNN and all the other news portals. And I asked why Georgians need human aid, not Russia. Don't see Georgians flying over Russia and dropping their shit there. The Russians still aren't out of Gori and no shit there's no info coming by your "media" regarding dead civilians in Georgia, all it showed, were a few pictures of Russian troops and civilians dead because of the Georgians. After all, how could Russia show Georgian civilians dead in Georgia, would be kind of hard to explain that they didn't kill people of their own nation. You not seeing a reason why Russian troops would kill civilians, you don't see a reason to a lot of things, neither do I see a reason why Russia still exists. I don't have anything against the country, but I hate your goverment and brainwashed people like yourself, who rely 100% on the Russian media and believe everything said. The USA is probably the only PEACEKEEPER, which you like to refer to yourself as quite often, so just spare that. So yes, Russia is truly the victim in this war and we should all fuck helping Georgia because you're the true victims of this story and the entire world is against you and lying. // Please don't reply, I've had enough of this brainwashed propagandic 'point of view'
14 hours ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
the thing i know 100% is that Georgia started war, i go from this point of view, thats all, they started - they must not just walk away for free, they must understand that such actions will no be tolerated, war is not a joke, so they was punished.
yesterday i was on CNN site, there was a pictures of "russians kills georgians"
the first one was - destroyed building and one really old woman oh georgian-like face who was crying or so, but how do i know that it was in Georgia, and this woman is not ossetian?They are teh same, aswell as ossetian and georgian army clothes, so anyone can abuse( and they abuse for sure) that: russians, CNN, BBC, anyone, they show what their people want to see, its a part of war, but only tiem will show the real truth.
can i ask something, why do you think that im got propaganded, but not you?
the thing i know 100% is that Georgia started war, i go from this point of view, thats all, they started - they must not just walk away for free, they must understand that such actions will no be tolerated, war is not a joke, so they was punished. yesterday i was on CNN site, there was a pictures of "russians kills georgians" the first one was - destroyed building and one really old woman oh georgian-like face who was crying or so, but how do i know that it was in Georgia, and this woman is not ossetian?They are teh same, aswell as ossetian and georgian army clothes, so anyone can abuse( and they abuse for sure) that: russians, CNN, BBC, anyone, they show what their people want to see, its a part of war, but only tiem will show the real truth. can i ask something, why do you think that im got propaganded, but not you?
13 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
read that, there is no negative about "who is right"
and as you said "The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting"
i can sy that , russians pushing through the territory of Georgia to see how world will responce to this, how far they can go, and who will show their negative to russia, ukrainian governnment already shown, now i think they wait for reactions from EU, but they not pushing further, they just captured a huge military base in gori...
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/14/world/eu...ref=todayspaper read that, there is no negative about "who is right" and as you said "The whole Georgian operation is simply to see how far Russia can go without other countries interrupting" i can sy that , russians pushing through the territory of Georgia to see how world will responce to this, how far they can go, and who will show their negative to russia, ukrainian governnment already shown, now i think they wait for reactions from EU, but they not pushing further, they just captured a huge military base in gori...
13 hours ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ua sL4m
Russia killed a lot of innocent people bombing them and that is when Olimpia goes!! Russian president is a little fag who sucks Putin's dick and do what Putin wants and tells him. Russia is a real agressor and resident of danger 4 whole world because of its fucking politics!
P.S. But I really like russians, cause they our (ukrainian) brothers and they are really normal, kind and great people. All the problems from the bandits like Putin :/
Russia killed a lot of innocent people bombing them and that is when Olimpia goes!! Russian president is a little fag who sucks Putin's dick and do what Putin wants and tells him. Russia is a real agressor and resident of danger 4 whole world because of its fucking politics! P.S. But I really like russians, cause they our (ukrainian) brothers and they are really normal, kind and great people. All the problems from the bandits like Putin :/
13 hours ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru edepko
In this conflict aggressor is Georgia cause they perfidiously have started to bomb S. Ossetia's inhabitants. Also there were our peacekeepers who too have suffered. Russia just defended the citizens.
In this conflict aggressor is Georgia cause they perfidiously have started to bomb S. Ossetia's inhabitants. Also there were our peacekeepers who too have suffered. Russia just defended the citizens.
12 hours ago
+1 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee centraLig
Didn't know defending meant bombing the cities to bits. GG "peacekeepers," stop trying to sound so noble and admit the fact that Putin would have gone all the way with Georgia if it weren't for other countries to come in between, you are no peacekeepers. You were the wrong ones to "guard" that area anyway, why put someone that will cause a mess with any country there is, especially the ones with conflicts already, guard some other country. S-Ossetia IS still a part of Georgia, the UN hasn't approved of it's separation. South Ossetia has never even been a part of Russia, so what gives you the right to think of it as a part of Russia that Georgia attacked anyway?

Not to mention the need to change Georgia's democratic goverment. Georgia is/was one of the most west-minded country (I wonder why Georgia was doing good and Russia isn't) in the area, of course Ze Russia didn't like it.

And I'm not suffering from propaganda because I have an objective overview over what has happened and is happening. I read news from all parties, it's just that everything that Russia publishes, differs 100% from what the REST OF THE WORLD says.

Like Evan already said: "It's ironic how the countries most guilty of propaganda and corruption always excuse other countries, sorry the entire world this time, of propaganda."
Didn't know defending meant bombing the cities to bits. GG "peacekeepers," stop trying to sound so noble and admit the fact that Putin would have gone all the way with Georgia if it weren't for other countries to come in between, you are no peacekeepers. You were the wrong ones to "guard" that area anyway, why put someone that will cause a mess with any country there is, especially the ones with conflicts already, guard some other country. S-Ossetia IS still a part of Georgia, the UN hasn't approved of it's separation. South Ossetia has never even been a part of Russia, so what gives you the right to think of it as a part of Russia that Georgia attacked anyway? Not to mention the need to change Georgia's democratic goverment. Georgia is/was one of the most west-minded country (I wonder why Georgia was doing good and Russia isn't) in the area, of course Ze Russia didn't like it. And I'm not suffering from propaganda because I have an objective overview over what has happened and is happening. I read news from all parties, it's just that everything that Russia publishes, differs 100% from what the REST OF THE WORLD says. Like Evan already said: "It's ironic how the countries most guilty of propaganda and corruption always excuse other countries, sorry the entire world this time, of propaganda."
5 hours ago
+0 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru edepko
I don't think that your overview is objective. More likely it's a subjective because you weren't there. And no one of us don't know what actually happend there.
I didn't say that S.Ossetia is a part od Russia, but about 90% inhabitants have russian pasport, so they are russian people.
You say that S.Ossetia is a part of Georgia. Is that normal when georgian troops in the middle of night starts to bomb Tskhinvali. So following your words Georgia is killing their people. And i think that if Russia has stood aside of this conflict there wouldn't be Tskhinvali on the world's map.
And many citizens would be dead, including women and childrens.

I don't think that your overview is objective. More likely it's a subjective because you weren't there. And no one of us don't know what actually happend there. I didn't say that S.Ossetia is a part od Russia, but about 90% inhabitants have russian pasport, so they are russian people. You say that S.Ossetia is a part of Georgia. Is that normal when georgian troops in the middle of night starts to bomb Tskhinvali. So following your words Georgia is killing their people. And i think that if Russia has stood aside of this conflict there wouldn't be Tskhinvali on the world's map. And many citizens would be dead, including women and childrens.
4 hours ago
+3 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
pl 3rd
war isn't good :/
war isn't good :/
3 hours ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ua sL4m
It seems to me that russians still live with their eyes closed lik they in USSR... Open your eyes and dont listen to that propaganda that Putin tells u! Look wider!
It seems to me that russians still live with their eyes closed lik they in USSR... Open your eyes and dont listen to that propaganda that Putin tells u! Look wider!
3 hours ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ee lackee
no image
+1 sl4m
+1 sl4m
43 minutes ago
+2 thumbs Thumb Down Thumb Up
ru pechkin
no image
"It seems to me that ukrainian still live with their eyes closed lik they in USSR... Open your eyes and dont listen to that propaganda that Uschenko tells u! Look wider!"
See? i can tell that too, WOW
"It seems to me that ukrainian still live with their eyes closed lik they in USSR... Open your eyes and dont listen to that propaganda that Uschenko tells u! Look wider!" See? i can tell that too, WOW


Меня знают многие ;-)
Да, сплоховал М.Саакашвили. Надо было и самому камуфляж надеть и с ружьишком М-16 попозировать. Вон Басаев с Д.Дудаевым(кстати хороший летчик был) все чегеварами одевались для понта и поддержки морального духа бойцов ну и для более крупных сумм денег от врагов России. А Миша в галстучке все брешет с трибун. Блин, как школьник-двоечник. Туповат-с.


Армавирский КОТ
Автор сообщения DarkAngel
Читаю я вот всё это и прям хочется сказать: надо было грузии не только по самые помидоры засадить, а вообще раком поставить, вместе с украиной. я патриот. у России все сосать будут. и ты Клава зря впрягаешься за чертей.
Итак... :) Преветствуем DarkAngel !!!!!!! (бурные долгие аплодисменты и крики обожания :) )
Вот он..самобытный и креативный "писатель будущего" :) Можно сказать гений литературы современного Армавира :)
А ведь действительно....буквально в двух предложениях он "заставил" многих форумчан возбудиться....( "Камасутра" в масштабе народов заставила даже гениев немецкой порнушки паниковать и срочно подыскивать себе новую работу :) )
Но вы не правы..:) Оказывается,он имел ввиду лишь свержение правидельства Грузии :)

Чего не скажешь правда о Erhen Великолепном :) Или доктор он,или алкоголик :) (он один только знает,что коньяк закусывать лимоном (ВНИМАНИЕ) вредно :) ) Но,видно,он так самоутверждается :)

А вот мне больше симпатичен Наззи (как человек и россиянин)...Куда он пропал? Думаю,что в данный момент он пишет заявление в милицию по факту изнасилования его собственным правительством :)


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Читал, читал... Война - это игры политиканов, слёзы матерей и бедствия простых граждан. Вот этот действительно звериный инстинкт - "не мы их, значит они - нас" в конечном итоге может привести к тому, что уже не будет ни их, ни нас.

Цивилизации всего чуть более пяти тысяч лет(я считаю от первых городов-государств Междуречья),а многие люди всё такие же
Вот это то и грустно. Особенно грустно, что именно те люди (которые "такие же") и стоят у власти. Спроси любого зрелого (в смысле без всякого юношеского максимализма, гиперпатриотизма и т.д.) жителя: хочет ли он войны? И абсолютное большинство скажет, что предпочитают жить в мире. Так то.
А ещё раздражают придурки, которые нажруться вусмерть, а потом шляются по ночам по городу и орут "Россия! Свобода Осетиии" и т.д. Писец... X(


Меня знают многие ;-)
Неужели Россия теперь окажется в мировой изоляции? Неужели Россия дополнит собой Ось Зла, коротенький список стран-изгоев, окажется в одном алфавите с Пхеньяном, Тегераном, Лукашенко, братьями Кастро и будет даже хуже Чавеса?

И что же, нам перестанут поставлять импортные телевизоры и автомобили? Мы не сможем поехать отдыхать хотя бы в Турцию? При попытке выехать за пределы России нас будут держать на карантине по нескольку недель, заставляя собирать портфель справок, доказательств, что мы не из КГБ и снимать отпечатки пальцев ног и делать слепки наших острых зубов?

Нет, до такого, думаю, не дойдет. Как и до исключения из Большой Восьмерки и из СНГ. Просто фактически Россия находится в международной изоляции уже очень давно. К ней привела не война в Осетии, а вся предыдущая политика нашей страны, в результате которой у нас не осталось друзей. Вообще не осталось. Даже Лукашенко ни слова не сказал в нашу пользу в эти дни.

В той или иной степени нас не любят, опасаются, подозревают и так далее почти все наши соседи, бывшие советские республики и бывшие соцстраны, Европа, Америка. Поэтому когда началась война в Осетии, Россия заведомо оказалась в невыгодном положении. Что бы она не сделала, все было бы использовано против нее. На это Саакашвили и рассчитывал. В этом смысле его расчет полностью оправдался. Россию осудили все, не вдаваясь особо в детали.

Но что такое всеобщее осуждение? Это слова. Сегодня сказаны, завтра забыты. Америка так долго и так упорно поддерживала Саакашвили, что ничего другого сказать и не могла. Однако говорить - это одно, а реально делать – это совсем другое. Миром правят прагматики. Политики - люди циничные и бесчестные. Выгода прежде всего. Саакашвили был Америке и отчасти Европе выгоден и его поддерживали. Но его не будут поддерживать любой ценой. Ради него не станут загонять русских в угол, где они со своими атомными бомбами злые на весь мир будут сидеть, бешено вращая глазами так, что неизвестно, чего от них ждать.

Россия фактор важнейший и постоянный, а Грузия фактор крохотный и временный. Нас поругают, погрозят, не понятно, правда, чем, но вскоре это дело замнут. Слава богу, что война не продлилась долго, и что удалось избежать запредельных жертв. Американцы что бы они не говорили, прекрасно понимают, что к чему. Америке эта война была не нужна. Саакашвили подставил под бомбы свою страну, а США поставил в неудобное положение. Я вполне допускаю, что новый президент пойдет на сделку с Кремлем и Саакашвили со временем уберут.

Россия же, несмотря на негативный шум вокруг, в принципе добилась, чего хотела. Кажется совершенно очевидным, что ни Южная Осетия, ни Абхазия уже не вернутся в состав Грузии. Вот это реальный результат, который окупает всю критику и всемирное негодование. А бояться потерять репутацию нам не страшно. Терять-то по большому счету и так уже нечего.


Команда форума
2 Vlad - просто када уже началась то там уже кто кого, не ты так тебя убьют или твоего близкого, на войне перебирать - вот этого убью а вот этого нет -безсмысленно - это война уже и на войне нужно воевать и убивать......
да народ не хочет, никто не хочет войны - война это смерть но когда наши политики ее развязали то выхода нет уже


Меня знают многие ;-)
То Мitya: Да не надо так расстраиваться. Любят, не любят. "Устроили тут ромащка, понымаещь".
А если серьезно, то никто никого не любит. А Россия окружена нищими странами. В самом голом смысле этого слова. И лидеры этих нищих стран мечтают все равно каким путем (выклянчить, примазаться, примазаться к сильному, который решился силой отобрать у "рашки" землисы, воды, энергоресурсов) выправить пугающе бедное положение свое. Слева по карте - Европа. А в сущности что это? Кроме Норвегии - все нищие. Работает пока банковская и прочие изжившие себя системы. Живут пока. А сговорятся все ихние "должники" и внезапно отдадут им ихние бумажки, деньгами именуемые. Да еще и скажут: Впредь не надо нам, больше вдолг не просим. И все, *цензура*. Когда короблями возили награбленное в колониях (Франция из Индокитая и Африки, британцы почти из пол-мира), когда технический прогресс принадлежал Европе, вот тогда это было что-то. А теперь?
Теперь осталась громадная Россия с богатейшей Сибирью. Давно уже пробуют, экспериментируют. Уже лет четыреста. Наверное только португальцы и болгары не пробовали еще "Рашку" потрепать. Насколько знаю историю, ВСЕ (!!!) остальные уже в разные времена и в разных коалициях и сообществах уже пытались.
Не нужно уж слишком к мнению ихнему прислушиваться о нас. В любом случае плохими будем, если не идем на уступки, не даем пограбить себя.


Меня знают многие ;-)
dudu, а я и не растраиваюсь :)
Просто удивительно, что в начале двадцать первого века конфликты всё никак не начинают решаться политическими путями.

А больше всего обидно за грузинский народ и за россиян... за всех обидно...


Все конфликты в мире происходят от самого неразрешимого конфликта между правым и левым полушарием мозга (с)