Его первым действием на форуме был лайк скриншота от Мити, потом лайк моего поста о гринкартовцах. А потом он ответил на моей пост который вообще не имеет отношения к бездомным о которых он написал. Само собой любой человек решит что это очередной бот и не будет доверять.
A little background story (since barfly doesn't seem to comprehend my simple Russian sentences) - I am on the Internet since 1992. Almost registered armavir.ru and .com back in the day but didn't want spend $50

- probably a good thing, since I would just end up doing nothing with it. If you knew how to use google, instead of searching this site, you would have found who I am already. (it would be helpful if admin gave you IP address from the logs). I used read posts on this site back in early 2000s, it was interesting at first but then it seemed that people moved to facebook, ok, vk, etc.
My point is this - movies are not life. You may see NYC in tons of movies but that's not reality. Yes, NY was pretty cool in 1990s but now it's just a place to work and then move somewhere else to continue career or keep working until you retire. Since I have been working for 6 weeks from home, I have more time to virtually travel. My daily commute to Manhattan by train or bus and subway takes between 80 and 90 minutes, then the same back. My goal is to commute and work only until I am 55 (10 more years) and then work remotely from Europe or just cut all my expenses and survive until pension at 62.
Yes, there are a lot of beautiful places in America but not many good local jobs (I work with computers and have no other skills). I think Black Sea is much better than Atlantic or Pacific ocean, so I would love to retire close to black sea or any other sea in Europe.